Digital ravings of an analog girl

         Shoes and the meaning of life.

Posts tagged with Social Media

June 11, 2009

Digital media and the Obama campaign

This morning’s keynote session at ad-Tech Asia was given by Scott Goodstein, External Online Director on the Obama presidential campaign.  Scott and his team looked after all the online channels that were outside of With perfect hindsight, of course we know that this campaign was a huge success.  However, when the campaign began, before […]

The social media analogy

A useful analogy from the ‘Leveraging Social Media’ session at ad-Tech Asia.  Compares social media channels to areas of interaction in the real world: Your Living Room – Facebook Your Bedroom – Friendster The Nightclub/Bar – Myspace The Boardroom – Linkdn

June 10, 2009

Engaging with Youth

Filed under: Ad-Tech Asia @ 4:26 am
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I’ve just attended the ‘Engaging with Youth’ panel discussion at ad-Tech Singapore.  Five bright young things (BYTs), aged between 19 and 21 sat at a raised table and addressed an audience of 300 about how they communicate, socialise, shop, live – all online using social media.  None of them were fazed by the large crowd […]

May 11, 2009

Do my feet look fat in these?

Filed under: Shoe Month @ 6:55 pm
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After my near-naked trapse on the internet in my jandals yesterday (surely the foot equivalent of appearing in a thong), I felt the need to cover up today – hence the red ankle boots under conservative pants.  The pedal nudity worked however. Wow! Up to 177 twitter followers today. 65 of them are diet gurus.  80 are […]

May 7, 2009

Shoe month, yes men and Jesus…

Check out my red Mary Janes.  Comfy, cute, and, as it happens, conversation starters.        This morning while waiting for the lift, a lady complimented my shoes, telling me she had a similar pair… that were blue …and wedge heeled …and not Mary Janes (so not that similar at all really…), that her […]

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