Thanks to my friend Paul, for suggesting that what I need to aid peaceful sleep is a jolly good rogering. Of course, this is a course of action I have tried occassionally, and I have found it partially successful. The caveats are (there’s always a ‘but’ right?): that the rogering does actually have to be […]
Night 1 – Nightmare on Calm Street…
Yesterday, my mate @Mangetout suggested I try listening to a podcast to try and get some sleep. It’s something I haven’t tried yet – so I downloaded what I thought would be the most sleep inducing podcast – Jack Boyer does the Best Accounting Practices greatests hits (not treally what it’s called, but I’d suggest they […]
…Of sleeplessness and surrender…
Firstly, let me apologise to those of you who have come here expecting light-hearted wit or an expose of some embarrassing exploit. I ain’t got nothin’ for you tonight. Tonight, I am tired. It’s because I haven’t slept much lately. This is not unusual. I have suffered with chronic insomnia periodically since my childhood and […]
Ode to my belly button
It’s late. I can’t sleep. I’m too tired to read. There’s only mindless crap on TV. I can’t face housework. So I’ve been lying here contemplating my navel. And I have composed an ode to it. Here it is: O’ mysterious navel, Deep and bejewelled. Have your folds many lint-seekers fantasies fuelled? Do the depths […]