It was via a tweet from @anne0208 that I ended up at a website promoting the book ‘Make Women Laugh’. The author, one Martin Merrill proclaims:
“Finally Revealed! Closely Guarded Secrets
Of Attracting Beautiful Women By Making
Them Laugh… 100% Guaranteed!”
Wow! I thought. 100% guaranteed! Excellent! I myself had listed ‘being funny’ as tip #2 in 10 sure-fire tips for getting laid (one of the most read posts on this blog, but strangely, no comments…). So I proceeded to read through the page, waiting to be amazed and amused.
I have to say, this is one of the least amusing promo pages I’ve ever visited. It’s ironic that Martin Merrill is promoting a product that claims to work solely via the use of humour, using the most dour, trite testimonials ever. (Martin, the words ‘ironic’ and ‘humour’ are hyperlinked to their definitions for your benefit.)
Making women laugh is a science.
Yup, the website claims making women laugh is a step-by-step, scientific process, that guarrantees the said woman will then date/sleep fall in love with you. Clearly, none of the steps were applied here.
There are numerous named testimonials from satisfied readers promoted here – even one from a (alleged) stand up comedian! Still, not able to raise even a titter between them.
If that doesn’t raise alarm bells for would-be purchasers, then surely the ‘Limited time offer’ of ordering this book for a mere US$47, you’ll get another 6 books, worth US$201.75 absolutely free! (of course, Mr Merrill’s adding is a bit off as he quotes the figure as ‘over $204.7’).
Reminds me of the dude at the Porsche dealership who ran a buy one, get one free campaign. Now, that was funny! (even though it didn’t really happen).