“Get a perm!” whispered the little Hispanic voice in my head.
I was suprised. I thought your alter ego was supposed to be your polar opposite. I imagined mine would be a pasty, skinny, uptight, English, insurance adjuster who would advise me to “Get a mutual fund!”*
A perm is something I would totally get! In fact, I had done… in 1987. Back then, I had the fluffiest, wildest collection of kinks, spirals and zig-zags on my head. …And I was cool, beyond belief. So when Mexi-Ritsa suggested I “Get a perm”, I listened.
I started off by getting a ‘Get A Perm’ t-shirt. Yes, it’s the wrong way round, but life is uncertain, you should eat dessert first. (You know you want one of those t-shirts! You can get one here.)
Then the fateful day arrived. It was last Friday, and I sandwiched getting a perm in between a morning of contract work, and my first date with the Ministry of Economic Development (I am dating the Government, you see).
Once the rollers were unfurled, my hair fell into cute wet red-blonde spirals. It was like looking straight back at 1987 (+ 22 years and 22 kilos). As I was short of time, I rushed out of the salon, my hair still wet, and headed to my date. My date went well, and coffee extended to joining the crew for Friday night drinks. They were a really friendly happy bunch who spent a good deal of time laughing and joking. I was in my element.
It was only when I headed to my car, that I caught sight of my reflection in a shop window. I say my reflection – actually, I didn’t realise it was me – I thought it was Ronald McDonald… in drag.
Yes, my perm had bleached my hair to a bright orange, and the soft wet ringlets had dried into a frizzy white-girl afro. It was not good. Not good at all.
Now I have a dilemma… I would like a contract with the MED, but I’m not sure I want to work at a place that would offer Ronald McDonald (in drag) work. Sigh…
P.S. I have since dyed my hair back to dark brown… And, no, MED never called me back.
P.P.S. If you’re from overseas, or are one of those Kiwi freaks who don’t own a television, you won’t understand my ‘get a perm’ reference. All will be explained here.
* I don’t actually know what a mutual fund is, therefore I have no idea whether I want one.
Consider my eyebrow decidedly arched…