- Bridget Riley’s Metamorphosis

A couple of weeks ago, I had an epiphany.
I have a fantastic job, that pays well, with a great company, a team I like, fancy offices, substantial freedom to pursue what I think is relevant, budget to spend and the power to get what I want due to the company’s high profile.
My epiphany was that I don’t enjoy my job.
I don’t know why I didn’t realise this before. I have felt an undercurrent of dissatisfaction with my work for some time now, but I kept going, thinking it was just a phase. So the realisation that I don’t like my fantastic job hit me like a bolt of lightening. I was suprised… I’m a bit thick sometimes.
So what did I do?
I quit. Yup. Immediately. In fact I barely made it through our Monday morning WIP before blurting it out to my boss and then my team. Everyone was suprised, because … well… see paragraph 1.
So there’s been some introspection on my part lately (that’s why I’ve been quiet). Why don’t I like my fantastic job? Why this compulsion to be done with it quickly? Why did I feel so fantastic as soon as I made the decision to leave? Why am I enjoying my job so much now that the end is in sight?
I guess part of the answer is my long standing love affair with change. I love changing jobs, moving house, moving countries, changing lovers (well… who doesn’t like a new lover, right?)
The itch to change something, anything, usually starts with a change in my appearance. My hairstyle changes more often that the guard at Buckingham Palace. If I change my hair colour or style, it usually means curtains for my job… or my boyfriend… or both.
I don’t have the answers. I’m afraid all my forays into introspection lead to more questions. I should just give introspection a miss, and accept that new stuff, and starting again makes me happy.
And chocolate. Chocolate makes me happy too.
As one door closes and all that…….. Good on you for being brave and taking that step
Hey – good work (no pun intended)…
Just left my workplace too – so it’s time to put the masterplan into action.
I’m thinking of starting NZ’s first innovation agency. Looking around for brave and smart individuals with a passion for what they do.
Good luck with your next steps.
So now you will have the time to compete in Master Chef New Zealand
Thanks Ashok. It’s a great idea! Top Chef – Yeah!!!
Good for you. It’s a really hard move to make but the right one. and if things get tough then you can always sell some shoes.
Ta, Lance. Which pair were you interested in? Special price for you…