Well, shoe month is over and it was a HUGE SUCCESS!!!! Nah… not really. That’s just marketing hyperbole (i.e. lying). The month was sporadically interesting. I connected with some great people, and a much larger number of fuckwits. I wore all my shoes. Did not acquire any new footwear. I got 3 pedicures to keep up appearances.
Because I was wearing all my shoes, the tall, shiny Italian thigh-boots that started it all have had just one outing. I have actually dragged them all the way to Singapore and Hong Kong with me to show my friends. Much too hot to even contemplate trying them on here, but they look beautiful even lying on the top of my suitcase. I do not look beautiful however – I sacrificed my make-up bag and hair straighteners to bring the boots, and consequently I look like Ronald McDonald – but without the make-up.
So, to the final tally for shoe month:
- Shoes worn – 62 (31 pairs)
- Shoe blogs written – 26 (I just ran out of steam and frankly, even I’m bored with my shoes)
- Hits on my blog – 2,864
- Which means how many actual people read it? – 452
- Feeds to my blog – 112
- Facebook pic and status updates – 24
- Facebook friends lost to shoe month – 0 (but I’m pretty sure they’re just waiting around in case I do something interesting like make pedal porn)
- Twitter followers gained – 862
- Twitter followers lost – 670
- Twitter followers who tried to sell me ‘Twitter Consultancy Services’ – 423
- Twitter followers who tried to get me to lose weight – 98
- Twitter followers who actually have a thing for shoes or feet – 14 (But I admit I followed 3 of them first)
- Twitter followers who are a bit creepy and/or deviant – 3 (I’m dating them all now
- Free pairs of shoes from Manolo, Jimmy or Christian – 0 (despite quite open begging)
- Blisters – 2
- Frostbitten toes – 3
- Pedicures – 3
That’s it really. Not an unmitigated success is it? The foot fetishist who bought my first six paintings has not made contact. I’ve had dates with three slightly disturbing shoe enthsiasts. Two of them were definately men. I’m not sure about the third (I’m sooo not joking about this)…
I am not an internationally famous shoe blogger, although Dave the Shoe Guy in Chicago might re-publish some of my blogs (check him out – I like him).
That’s it for shoe month folks. Over and out.
Next blog will be about the mating calls of geckos*
*That might be marketing hyperbole also…