Today I’m wearing high-heeled snakeskin pumps. No snakes were harmed in the making of these shoes. Actually, that’s a bald-faced lie. I suppose the snakes whose skins were used for my pumps might have been a little harmed. But as the shoes were made in China, I’m pretty sure the snakes didn’t die just to […]
…but it’s good for you…
Today I went back to the gym (see my gym shoes?) I have not been to the gym for six weeks because of [insert excuse here]. Go ahead, insert one. I guarantee I’ve already thought of it and used if on my gym instructor, my friends, myself. The truth is, I hate exercise. All exercise […]
…to ceaseless din and mindless merriment and waste of shoes and floors…
Today’s shoes are silver Minx sneakers (pictured). I love these sneakers and I admit that I bought them because they are cool. However, I still expected them to perform like… well… sneakers. They do not. The first time I wore these sneakers I wore a hole in the back of the […]
These boots are made for _ _ _ king* (complete as desired)
I have just taken possession of an outrageous pair of boots from Ultra Shoes. It took me six weeks to pay for these boots. They were expensive. I don’t mean obscenely expensive – as in equal to the GDP of a small third-world country, but the price I paid could have fed a child in […]