Well, it’s the 21st day of shoe month. I’m twenty blogs in (I missed last Sunday), and here’s where I have to admit, this is f***ing hard work!
When I decided that I would blog something about my shoes every day in May, I thought it would be a piece of cake. Frankly, I’m not usually short of an opinion. And although I give my opinion for a living, the truth is, I can barely keep it to myself for free most of the time.
But I throw up my hands in defeat today. I could just blather on about what I was doing at work, but actually, I was bored silly by it -why would I want to take anyone who’s reading this into boredom with me?
Sadly, this is not the case with many of the twitterers I follow. I can’t believe the number of tweets I read, with absolutely no purpose other than to spread the boredom. Come on folks! If you want any kind of loyalty from your audience, you have a responsibility to entertain, inform, or just shut up.
…so I’m zipping it for now.