See the black slip-on shoes I wore yesterday? I had decided they were too conservative for me, and put them in the bag of clothes I was preparing for the Sallies. A few days later, while decorating a cake for a friend (yes, I baked), I had a brainwave. I fished the shoes out of the Sallies bag and took to them with my silver marker. Now they are quirky and asymmetrical and I’m always being complimented on them. And nobody else has a pair.
I tend to move on from what I see as my mistakes quite quickly. If things aren’t working out, I just look to the next thing. No fault. No looking back. Many times in my life this has been beneficial – keeping me agile and ahead of the curve. An equal number of times, it has meant that I have missed out on a wonderful experience, person or thing. I have thrown away perfectly good jobs, shoes, people, things…
The question is, how can I identify the things that have potential to become something wonderful – in other words, the things worth persevering with – and not waste time on the things that are not, and never will be what I want?
A sense for diamonds in the rough is not one that I happen to possess (although I’m pretty good at spotting duds in the raw). I need a checklist. Anyone got one?
You’re so clever R