Last night, in an attempt to get shoe month going how I wanted, I became a follower of Messrs Choo, Blahnik and Louboutin on Twitter. I figured they might follow me back and stumble onto shoe month.
So far… nuthin’. But in case you ever read this, Jimmy, Manolo or Christian (can I call you by you first names?), let me explain that I am not a journalist, therefore do not have any of those pesky jounalistic integrity issues. I will happily write about your shoes!
Of course, I would need to have a pair… (European size 39. Height of heel, impracticality and outrageousness are no object). Just drop me a pair and I’ll wax lyrical about them.
Actually, I did once own a pair of Jimmy Choos which I bought second hand to wear to a wedding. They looked absolutely beautiful, but sadly, were two sizes too small for me. At the wedding reception I sold them to another guest who admired them, and went home barefoot. All in all, a pretty good days work. Bought shoes, wore them to wedding, took them off to dance at reception, sold shoes, walked away one pound, two pence up. (I’m not making this up, I really did sell my shoes… and my hat. That family no longer invites me to weddings.)
I think it’s one of the best deals I’ve ever done. Come on… cut me a break! Surely you’ve sold bits of your outfit at a wedding?…
well, I won’t be doing at my wedding! (in 9 weeks today just in case you are interested
) funny story though – and I love the shoes you have featured today….. mind you, I’ve told you that before