I have just taken possession of an outrageous pair of boots from Ultra Shoes. It took me six weeks to pay for these boots. They were expensive. I don’t mean obscenely expensive – as in equal to the GDP of a small third-world country, but the price I paid could have fed a child in said third-world country for a year.
In addition, the boots are, well… not that practical for me. They’re comfortable enough once I have them on, but in order to get them on, I need the assistance of two circus midgets, a tube of KY Jelly and a big bag of ice. I do not have little people at home.
But… the boots are also tall, sleek and Italian (as are many things I can not resist) and they make me ridiculously happy.
If the shoe fits…
These boots are the 31st pair of shoes in my wardrobe. In honour of the boots, and because there are 31 days in May, I am declaring the month of May as Shoe Month. Each day this month, I intend to update my facebook and twitter profile pics (@technebish) and twitpic with pictures of my shoes du jour. It’s a social experiment. I want to see if I get discovered by shoe lovers and foot fetishists alike. Let’s just give it a whirl, and see where it goes.
…Of shoes and ships – and sealing wax – and cabbages and kings…
Back in 1994 (B.G.), I was ‘discovered’ by an art collector. I made my first six art sales to a man I never met – they were charcoal and pastel sketches of feet that I had made in my life drawing class and I had put them forward for a group exhibition in a small gallery in Hong Kong. I never got to show at that exhibition. The gallery owner made one discreet call, and all six pieces were sold and spirited up The Peak before the exhibition opened. So Mr Foot Art Collector of Hong Kong, if you catch on to this, contact me. I am willing to churn out more feet-related sketches, paintings, stone sculptures, vegetable art, photography, whatever – I’m not too proud.
And any and all comments on my shoes, your shoes, foot fetishism and the meaning of life are welcome. Let’s hear it!
You are so friggin funny! I have always been a keen admirer of your shoe collection … I often say that you have the ‘best’ shoe collection in the company!!! Especially when you wear shoes that look like they should be for display purposes only
i get dizzy just looking at the height. Absolutely looking forward to day 2, 3 and the rest that follow as you unleash your shoe collection!
My favourite shoes are my jandals
Thanks fee. Send me a pic of your jandals OK?
It is a well known fact. If shoes (boots) are comfy, they are UGLY!
I know who Fee is
I’m looking forward to your Shoe Month – it will encourage me to dig mine out and not wear the same ones day in day out!!!
Oh yes and you know I had ‘boot envy’ today!