I’ve just spent the evening with the adorable Chris Brogan, uber-blogger and fellow night time epistolist. Also a great real-world guy. He has inspired me to have a go at blogging – especially to while away those frustrating mid night hours when sleep eludes me. I’m working on the theory that sleep deprivation is my muse. We’ll see…
So what’s on my mind at 2.11am on a Friday morning? It’s curly eco lightbulbs.
Did ecobulbs get sexier in the past few months? No, really. When they first came out, I dutifully bought a bunch, but only put them in the light fittings where the bulb was not visible. I thought they looked cheap and ugly, as well as casting a rather sharp, fluorescent-style light that shows up my cellulite and crows feet.
Tonight, I got home, and my hallway light had blown (bare bulb – eek). I only had a curly ecobulb to put in. Guess what? It looks great! I think the design of it is beautiful. I love the way the tube curls around itself – almost like delicate light-tube lovers about to have a pash.
Can’t imagine how I thought this marvel of aesthetic design was ugly. It even has a very cool retro look to it. I’m going to replace all the exposed bulbs in my house with ecobulbs.
For those of you who’ve known me for a while, no, I did not do drugs tonight. I really do have ecobulbs on my mind. Yes, that’s what my muse is telling me to blog about. Noone said sleep deprivation would make the most fascinating of muses…
Oh arse! I’ve just realised that now I’ve got to figure out how the heck to post this online. Writing of blog, 5 minutes. Posting of blog, 127 minutes…
It’s interesting that I thought you were going to say that the bulb was sexy because of what it could do and not its actual shape and size. I thought it was going to be a piece on green tech, but then again, now that I know a bit more about you, I should’ve known it would be aesthetically rooted.
Your artistic soul is alive and well. Excited to read about it. Maybe next time, a picture of said bulb in its surroundings? : )
But then, you’re just kicking this baby off.
Grateful for your time.